Tiaras don't have to be complicated. This one was made from an empty box of granola and corn starch, some fancy toothpicks, and plain clear tape! Think about old jewelry in a dresser drawer, ribbons and bows and wrapping paper,aluminum foil, old greeting cards, duct tape, paper plates, newspapers, magazines, fast food packaging......
Pop-up paper tiara!
Thank you for your support. The Kitchen Sink Tiara Project is no longer taking donations. Every Woman is a Queen and Her Home is Her Castle.
September 14, 2005 Dear Friends, My name is Janet Carija Brandt. I am a fiber artist, author and designer. I've been dreaming about a certain project for several years now. Hurricane Katrina and its devasting aftermath has made me realize the time has come to make this dream a reality. It's called "The Kitchen Sink Tiara Project"....here's why. At the end of the day, a sink full of dirty dishes is often the last job anyone wants to tackle. That is the time you need to reach for your Kitchen Sink Tiara. You'll feel like a queen as you scrub away because....... -a sink full of dirty dishes means you have a sink. -a sink full of dirty dishes means you have dishes. -a sink full of dirty dishes means you had food to dirty the dishes. -a sink full of dirty dishes means you have family or friends to share a meal with. -a sink full of dirty dishes means you have clean running water to wash your dishes with. I originally found myself thinking of the millions of women around the world that could not say any of this. Now I find myself thinking of the hundreds of thousands of women in the South that cannot say that. It is time for me to stop dreaming about the project and time for me to make it happen. "Every women is a queen and her home is her castle." Lets make that real again for all of the homeless of the Gulf Coast. "The Kitchen Sink Tiara Project" is simple. Make a simple or extravagant tiara out of whatever you have around your home. See ideas, hints and more detailed instructions at www.KitchenSinkTiara.com Your tiara must be able to fit inside a 1 gallon ziptop plastic bag. Each tiara must be accompanied by a $20 check made out to: Habitat for Humanity Katrina Relief Fund. Send tiara and check to: Janet Brandt 2136 Silver lane Drive Indianapolis, IN 46203 Tiaras will not be returned. We will display and publish as many as possible in order to raise additional funds. Then the tiaras will be distributed to the women of the Gulf Coast who were left homeless. It will be a tangible reminder that women around the country cared about the women of the South in their hour of need. Keep track of the tiaras created, the money raised and the names of all the creative contributors by going to www.KitchenSinkTiara.com Please forward this email to everyone you know who cares about Hurricane Katrina homeless. Together we can create a royal regalia of hope. Sincerely, Janet PS Don't forget to make a tiara for your own kitchen sink!
*By submitting your tiara you are authorizing "The Kitchen Sink Tiara Project", Janet Carija Brandt, and Project Sponsors, to publish or exhibit your tiara in upcoming publications, exhibits or on promotional materials. Janet Carija Brandt, "The Kitchen Sink Tiara Project" and the Project Sponsors will not be held responsible for loss or damage due to circumstances beyond our control. ©Janet Carija Brandt 2005